IFExD Dataset
The dataset cosnsists of two sets. Set A and Set B. Both of them has a collection of faces from 3 angles "Front", "Left", "Right". For each face angle, 8 different facial expressions have been recorded. Which are "Happy", "Sad", "Neutral", "Disgust", "Fear", "Surprise", "Contempt", "Anger".
Happy : 342 images
Sad: 291 images
Neutral: 304 images
Disgust: 317
Fear: 250 images
Surprise: 305 images
Contempt: 314 images
Anger: 272 images
Happy: 300 images
Sad: 266 images
Neutral: 246 images
Disgust: 303 images
Fear: 211 images
Surprise: 259 images
Contempt: 283 images
Anger: 247 images
Happy: 260 images
Sad: 209 images
Neutral: 196 images
Disgust: 279 images
Fear: 196 images
Surprise: 252 images
Contempt: 250 images
Anger: 219 images
Happy: 342 images
Sad: 302 images
Neutral: 291 images
Disgust: 315 images
Fear: 244 images
Surprise: 282 images
Contempt: 298 images
Anger: 269 images
Happy: 250 images
Sad: 253 images
Neutral: 246 images
Disgust: 306 images
Fear: 205 images
Surprise: 280 images
Contempt: 283 images
Anger: 250 images
Happy: 260 images
Sad: 215 images
Neutral: 204 images
Disgust: 268 images
Fear: 193 images
Surprise: 254 images
Contempt: 241 images
Anger: 222 images
Subjects with Glasses: tbd
Subjects with Facial Hairs: tbd
Subjects with Scarf/Turban: tbd
To download the dataset, install phyaat library and download through it. Code: tbd
Set A:
Set B:
Facial Details and Description
Download the dataset
**Python**To download the dataset, install phyaat library and download through it. Code: tbd